Adrian J. Donato

Adrian J. Donato
Academic Dean at The Cornerstone Seminary
Professor of Biblical Languages
B.A. in Biblical Studies, The Master’s College
M.Div., The Master’s Seminary
Th.M., The Master’s Seminary

Adrian Donato was sent out by Trinity Bible Church of Gilroy, CA in 1996 to The Master’s Seminary in preparation for a life of service in the preaching of the glorious grace and gospel of our LORD Jesus Christ. Upon graduation, the LORD used the then elders of Trinity Bible Church in Gilroy, CA and his then local church in Burbank, CA, Calvary Baptist to affirm His call to go to Honduras, Central America, and start The Seminary for Expository Preaching (SEPE) at which Adrian served for 10 years as Academic Dean, and taught as Professor of New Testament and Bible Exposition. During his time there, the LORD chose to make SEPE, and continues to keep SEPE, a stellar and strategic pastoral training center for the preaching of Christ that reaches into all of Central America and the rest of the Spanish-Speaking world. Upon completing the goal of establishing SEPE, the LORD has now brought Adrian and his family (wife, Stephanie; children, Caleb, Nathaniel, Bethany, Charity, Marcus, Andrew, and Jeremiah) back to the bay area to serve Him as the Academic Dean and Professor of Biblical Languages at The Cornerstone Seminary, Vallejo, CA, while yet remaining in partnership with SEPE in the preparation of Spanish Speakers as an adjunct faculty and Board member. Over the last 5 years, Adrian has also been carrying out the vision of strengthening local churches and training pastors to preach Christ with passion, precision, and power in regions of Asia, Central America, and Europe. It is, and always has been, Adrian’s desire in ministry to love Christ, to love His Church, and to train expositors who shepherd, regardless of culture. Adrian has been a preacher of the Word for over 20 years. He and his family are currently serving the LORD among the saints of Community Bible Church, Vallejo, CA.

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