Recent Sermons

Isaiah 7:1-25
December 02, 2012
Vincent M. Bradshaw
Romans 7:7-13
November 25, 2012
Vincent M. Bradshaw
1 Kings 19:1-21
November 21, 2012
Yan Kislitsa
Exodus 20:4-7
November 18, 2012
Vincent M. Bradshaw

WORSHIP means to assign worth, thankfully recognize, reverently adore, lovingly serve and humbly and willingly submit to another.  Grace Church of Sacramento worships God and Christ and no one else.  Grace Church of Sacramento teaches, trains, encourages and assists others, especially their members, in worship.  Grace Church of Sacramento worships God and Christ tangibly through:

  • Teaching, studying and obeying the BIBLE.

  • Expressing love, praise and awe of God and Christ in MUSIC.

  • Communicating with God through Christ in PRAYER.

  • Supporting the church and its activities by giving MONEY.

  • Celebrating salvation and spiritual unity in God and Christ in BAPTISM and COMMUNION.

  • Submitting to the spiritual guidance of the church leadership through CHURCH MEMBERSHIP.