Recent Sermons
Biblical sermons present the Word of God, the Bible. Sermons may focus on one verse or portion of Scripture, called Expository sermons, or may concentrate on a topic from various portions of Scripture, called topical sermons, but are always from the Bible. Each sermon also points to Christ, Who is the main focus of all Scripture (Luke 24:44). Sermons are not prophecies; preachers are not prophets. Before the Bible was finished, God communicated directly with spokespersons called prophets. What they presented were prophecies. Now that the Bible is complete, God directs His spokespersons to the written Word, and empowers them to speak from what has already been recorded. These are preachers. In the past, prophets presented God’s direct communication; now, preachers present Scripture. With the completion of the Bible, God no longer uses people who do not derive their message from His written Word. The preacher is a teacher, and more. Like any teacher, the preacher has a specific source for his knowledge and wisdom (the Bible). Furthermore, the preacher exhorts and motivates his listeners to action, often using the word ‘you’ and speaking directly to his listeners. The preacher is a teacher and an exhorter. |