Upcoming Events

Wed Dec 05 @07:00PM - 09:00PM
Hebrew Class
Wed Dec 05 @07:00PM - 08:30PM
Systematic Theology
Fri Dec 07 @07:00PM - 09:00PM
Jr High/High School Bible Study
Fri Dec 07 @07:00PM - 09:00PM
Couples - West Side Bible Study
Fri Dec 07 @07:00PM - 09:00PM
Couples - Russian Bible Study
Fri Dec 07 @07:30PM - 10:00PM
Post-College Bible Study
Fri Dec 07 @07:30PM - 10:00PM
College Bible Study
Fri Dec 07 @07:30PM - 09:00PM
Couples - East Side Bible Study
Fri Dec 07 @07:30PM - 09:00PM
Couples - Central Bible Study
Sun Dec 09 @09:00AM - 10:00AM
Sunday School

MINISTRIES offer personal help.  ‘To minister’ means to help, serve and support and a ‘ministry’ provides this needed personal assistance.  Church ministries always have a spiritual goal: to increase a person’s love, worship, obedience to and dependence on God and Christ.  Church ministries provide varying contexts where people work together with the Holy Spirit according to the Bible to help people so that their thoughts, affections, motivations and actions are increasingly focused on deriving joy from pleasing and serving God and Christ.  Grace Church of Sacramento offers these contexts for personal ministry:

Church-wide Worship is on Sunday mornings and evenings for all members and guests.
Individuals also enjoy time with God daily by reading the Bible and praying in their private time.

All the men of the church, and separately, all the women of the church, meet together formally once a month to guide and encourage one another.
Also, the following Peer groups, or gatherings of those in a similar station in life, occur weekly:

  • Older Couples

  • Couples with children

  • Post -College

  • College

  • Jr./Sr. High School

  • Elementary School

Formal class training exists in Christian basics, Theology, Evangelism, Preaching & Teaching, Hebrew, Aramaic & Greek. The church also encourages every individual to benefit from a personal mentor of individual choice