Hope in a Living Savior; Hope in eternal life.
Job’s 4 friends, Eliphaz, Bildad, Zophar and Elihu (Job 2:11; 32:2) had an overly simple view of life: God punishes the evil and rewards the righteous. Job, however, points out that in this earthly life the wicked often prosper (Chapter 21) while those who love God and put their faith in Him suffer (Chapter 31).
Job was right. Circumstances in this life often prepare a person for an opposite type of life in eternity (Psalm 73 English; Luke 16:25). God may allow evil to afflict a faithful person in this life to increase his faith and dependence on God (1 Peter 1:6-7) and his material and spiritual blessings (Job 42:10-17); or God may allow a wicked man to prosper in this life, like a sheep fattened for the slaughter (Psalm 17:13-15; 37:35-38 English). In Job’s case, suffering increased his faith and humility before God and led to increased spiritual and material blessings, as well as an opportunity to minister to his friends (42:10). For the believer, God works all things together for good (Genesis 50:20; Romans 8:28).
Most importantly, Job understood that no man can approach God without a Savior and a Mediator (9:32-33). In Job 19:25-26, Job expresses his faith not in his own righteousness, but in God’s provision of a Living Savior. This Savior will one day rule the entire earth in righteousness (Revelation 20:4) and will be adored by all the saints of all time, who will resurrect from the grave in new, spiritual bodies for the purposes of eternal and perfect worship and service (1 Thessalonians 4:13-17; 2 Thessalonians 1:10; Revelation 20:6).
Like every saint of every age, Job was acceptable before God not because of his works but because of his faith (Romans 3:27-28; 4:1-3). Job believed in a Living Savior, a Redeemer, an eternal High Priest: the LORD Jesus Christ.