Address: 8071 Old Auburn Rd. Citrus Heights, CA 95610


Post-College Ministry is for those who have completed their college studies and/or vocational training but are single. Like college students, they must not waste time. They are not free to misuse the independence of personal time, personal space, personal transportation, personal income and personal decisions now that they live independent from their parents. They enjoy more freedoms than college students, but have more accountability as a result.

Post-college students should be mature in their understanding of biblical authority and their practice of personal responsibility. They should be working toward vocational competence and complete financial independence from their parents. They should be exemplary in their choice of peers. They should be fruitful in some area of church ministry, utilizing and enjoying their singleness in consistent church service and mentorship of college and younger students, while continuing to refine their character for marriage. Some will continue to exercise a gift of singleness.

Pastor Vincent Bradshaw and his wife, Nadia, mentor this group in marriage preparation, vocational responsibility, church ministry and contentment in singleness.