Families are the backbone of the church: a strong church consists of strong families. Strong families consist of men who love and lead, women who love and serve, and children who love and obey according to the Bible. The family is the primary place of worship, discipleship, counseling, training and evangelism. Families come together biweekly in couples’ ministry to strengthen each other.
Couples’ Ministry is for all couples and their children up to Junior High. Couples and couples with children gather to worship and study, counsel and edify, strengthen and support. Couples and their children first worship together, and then break into separate groups for more intimate instruction and participation.
Couples receive instruction and training in all aspects of spousal relationship including love, intimacy, spiritual growth, communication, conflict resolution, gender roles, finances and spiritual service. Couples also receive instruction and training in all aspects of parental responsibility including evangelizing, mentoring, communicating, educating, training and disciplining children.
Children learn to cultivate a relationship with God alongside their parents from the earliest age.
Mature Grace Church of Sacramento couples rotate teaching and leading discussion with couples and children.