Upcoming Events

Fri Mar 07 @07:00PM - 09:00PM
Couples - West Side Bible Study
Fri Mar 07 @07:00PM - 09:00PM
Jr High/High School Bible Study
Fri Mar 07 @07:00PM - 09:00PM
Russian Speaking Group
Fri Mar 07 @07:30PM - 09:00PM
Couples - Antelope Bible Study
Fri Mar 07 @07:30PM - 09:00PM
Couples - Fair Oaks Bible Study
Fri Mar 07 @07:30PM - 10:00PM
College Bible Study
Fri Mar 07 @07:30PM - 10:00PM
Post-College Bible Study
Fri Mar 07 @07:30PM - 09:00PM
Couples - East Side Bible Study
Sun Mar 09 @09:00AM - 10:00AM
Children's Sunday School
Sun Mar 09 @10:30AM - 12:00PM
Morning Service



Vincent M. Bradshaw

B. A.,Economics; Stanford University, with Distinction, Phi Beta Kappa, 1986.

M.Div.; The Master’s Seminary, Summa cum Laude, 2001.

Vincent has been the pastor-teacher of Grace Church of Sacramento since the church started in July, 2003.  Vincent specializes in biblical languages: Koine Greek, biblical Hebrew and biblical Aramaic, and is a Hebrew professor at The Cornerstone Seminary in Vallejo, CA.  Besides preaching from the Old & New Testaments, Vincent counsels and teaches Biblical Languages, Hermeneutics and Systematic Theology in the church.

Vincent, Nadia with their two children enjoy athletics, classical & devotional music and the outdoors.

Elder Viktor Molitvenik

Viktor Molitvenik

Viktor is one of the founding members of Grace Church of Sacramento and currently serves as an elder and Pastor of Children’s Ministries.  Viktor was born in Donetsk, Ukraine, and educated in Nizhnegorsk and Simferopol in Crimea.  From 1993 to 1998 Viktor served as the senior pastor of the Baptist Church of Nizhnegorsk.  In 1999 Viktor and his family moved to Sacramento, California.

Viktor enjoys ministering alongside his beautiful wife, Fanya, his four daughters and his son-in-law.

For recreation Viktor enjoys the outdoors and reading.

Elder Yan Kislitsa

Yan Kislitsa

Undergraduate; DIPth; The Master's Seminary cum Laude, 2009

Yan is one of the founding members of Grace Church of Sacramento and served as an elder during the first two years of this church. He was born in the Republic of Georgia and was educated in Zaporozhie, Ukraine. In 1994 Yan and his wife immigrated to Sacramento CA.

Together with his lovely wife Olga, Yan enjoys his three sons and one daughter. He also loves history and working in his garden. His favorite outdoor activity is going to the ocean


Maks Vusik

Deacon of Family Ministry.

Tim Vusik

Deacon of College Ministry.

Vitaliy Zavorotny

Deacon of Music Ministry.

Mike Trofimenko

Deacon of Family Ministry.

Nial Gafurov

Deacon of Family Ministry.