Church Websites:Grace Community Church, Sun Valley,
A wide variety of audio sermons, full text documents, event notices and important links associated with the ministry of John F. MacArthur, Jr., one of the greatest preachers of our time.
Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis,
The church website of the other great John, Dr. John Piper. You can also go directly to where you will find a host of audio and full text sermons, theological articles and other helpful resource
Believer’s Chapel, Dallas,
A wide range of sermons and some theological articles from the late Dr. S. Lewis Johnson. Selected sermons from James Montgomery Boice, Bruce K. Waltke, Haddon W. Robinson and Dan Duncan.
Seminary/Institutional Websites:The Master Seminary, Sun Valley,
Start here when exploring Seminary options and resources. Important links and ministry resources.
The Cornerstone Seminary, Vallejo,
The seminary for ministers in the San Francisco Bay Area. Excellent curriculum and association with area churches and pastors. Check out Cornerstone’s home church, Community Bible Church at
The Master’s College, Santa Clarita,
A superior website of this undergraduate institution par excellence. |
Theological Websites:Phil Johnson’s Bookmarks/
An amazing maze of theological material for many lifetimes. Theee . . place to go for important links. Visits to The Spurgeon Archive and The Hall of Church History a must.
Bible Bulletin
A very user friendly website with a great library of classic full text sermons from Charles Spurgeon, John F. MacArthur, Jonathan Edwards and others. Fantastic links, doctrinal papers and articles on contemporary issues.
Home of the NETBible. Look up a passage and read the excellent exegetical and translation notes if you know the original languages. Click on the ‘Articles’ tab at the upper right for excellent theological articles.
Center for Reformed Theology and
Fantastic site for historic Creeds, Confessions, articles and books. Lots of material by the great Reformed theologians organized by theological category. Watch for their slant against Dispensational Pre-Millennialism.
Dr. Barrick’s
For Old Testament enthusiasts. Learn from one of the greatest living experts on Old Testament exegesis, theology, history and archaeology. Wonderfully personal.